How can I purchase carbon credits?
What do I receive if I make a purchase through the Gold Standard Marketplace?
What to do if you don't receive an email confirmation
Where does the money from Gold Standard Marketplace credits go?
How are carbon credits on the Gold Standard Marketplace priced?
What is the Registry Account Annual Fee?
Where can I find details of Gold Standard fees?
What is the Registry Account Reactivation Fee?
What is the difference between a cash fee project and Share of Proceeds (SOP) project?
What are the Preliminary Review, Project Design Review and Performance Review listed on the Gold Standard fee schedule?
Where can I find the Standard documents and templates?
What are the steps in the Gold Standard project certification process?
What language must the documents be submitted in?
Preliminary Review
What is a Validation and Verification Body?
Are there any VVBs in my country?
Can VVBs conduct a remote audit on a project?
If a project combines Design Certification and the first Performance Review, does the VVB have to supply two different audit teams?
Can the same VVB perform validation and verification of multiple aspects of a project?
What is Beyond Value Chain Mitigation?
What are the business incentives for a company to undertake Beyond Value Chain Mitigaton?
What role will carbon credits play in Beyond Value Chain Mitigation?
How does Beyond Value Chain Mitigation relate to the traditional mitigation hierarchy?
What is Gold Standard doing to support companies to enact high quality BVCM strategies?